When drivers fall asleep at the wheel, even for just a few
seconds, terrible accidents can quickly occur. When you are tired, your
concentration span suffers, making you slower to react to hazards that the road
throws at you. Use these tips from Sheehy Nissan Glen Burnie to stay
alert and keep yourself safe in traffic on your next road trip.
Break your journey up
to make it more bearable. Stop every few hours, and make sure that the
driver gets a good break. Stretch your legs and go for a walk. Get some fresh
air and move around. If possible, it is also a good idea for different
passengers to share the driving role on a road trip.
Do not eat heavy,
rich foods before or during the journey. Food that sits in your stomach
will make you feel lethargic. Eat light, tasty snacks and choose foods that
release energy slowly to keep you going. Caffeinated drinks, such as coffee,
can also help to give you a small boost of energy on the road, but drinking too
much can adversely affect your senses. Ultimately, water is the best way to
stay hydrated.
Keep your mind
occupied. Many solitary drivers enjoy music. If you have passengers,
however, start up a conversation to keep your mind busy. A simple game of I-Spy
with others can also be a great way to stay alert, but ensure that such games
do not become a distraction.
Open the window for a
blast of fresh air. In the summertime, the air conditioning keeps you cool.
However, fresh air will awaken your senses after an extended period on the
These tips may help to keep you awake during a long trip,
but if you are overly exhausted, you shouldn’t be behind the wheel. A good
night’s rest is the ultimate solution for driver fatigue.